import { copyFile, mkdir, readFile, readdir, rm, writeFile } from 'fs/promises' import yargs from 'yargs' import { parseADOFAILevel } from './parser.js' import { basename, dirname, join } from 'path' import { existsSync } from 'fs' import sharp from 'sharp' const args = yargs(process.argv) const path = args.argv._[2] const ratio = Number(args.argv._[3]) if (isNaN(ratio)) throw new Error('ratio is not number') console.log(path) const file = await readFile(path) const level = parseADOFAILevel(file) const workDir = join(process.cwd(), 'work') if (existsSync(workDir)) await rm(workDir, { recursive: true, force: true }) await mkdir(workDir) const origLevelDir = dirname(path) for (const item of await readdir(origLevelDir)) { await copyFile(join(origLevelDir, item), join(workDir, item)) } const decoFiles = new Set() const textTags = new Set() for (const deco of level.decorations) { if (deco.eventType === 'AddDecoration') { deco.scale = => x / ratio) decoFiles.add(deco.decorationImage) } else if (deco.eventType === 'AddText') { textTags.add(deco.tag) } } for (const action of level.actions) { if (action.eventType === 'MoveDecorations') { if (textTags.has(action.tag)) continue if (action.scale) action.scale = => x / ratio) if (action.decorationImage) decoFiles.add(action.decorationImage) } } for (const f of decoFiles) { try { const orig = join(origLevelDir, f) const dest = join(workDir, f) const meta = await sharp(orig).metadata() await sharp(orig) .resize(Math.round(meta.width * ratio), Math.round(meta.height * ratio)) .toFile(dest) console.log(f) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } await writeFile(join(workDir, basename(path)), JSON.stringify(level))